Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Akemashite omedetou

Happy New Year!


New Year's Celebration
The New Year is the most important time of the year in Japan. (just like Christmas in the west).
At the end of the year:

  • I wish you will have a good new year.
    Yoi otoshi o omukae kudasai. (formal)
    Yoi otoshi o! (casual)

  • During New Year's days (Jan.1st to 3rd), up to the middle of January:
  • Happy New Year.
    Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu. (formal)
    Akemashite omedetou. (casual)
    あけましておめでとう。 "Akemasu" literally means "to open". "Kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu (I look forward to our continued relationship over this year)" is often added after "Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu". To reply, "Kochira koso" is used.
    Seeing someone after a long absence

  • I haven't seen you in a long time.
    Gobusata shite imasu. (very formal)

  • Long time no see.
    Ohisashiburi desu. (formal)
    Hisashiburi! (casual)

  • There is a Japanese song titled "Ohisashiburi ne(お久しぶりね)". "Ne(ね)" is a sentence particle. Ne is used to seek confirmation and is similar to English expressions such as "right?" or "don't you agree?".
    To reply to "Gobusata shite imasu," "Kochira koso (Same here)" is used. In casual conversations among friends, simply repeat "Hisashiburi!" or "Hisashiburi ne".